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UPSI Strength & Conditioning Conference 2020 (UPSISC2020)


From the Desk of Organizing Team

Nor Fazila Abd Malek


Thank you for joining UPSISC 2020, our first virtual conference. As the Program Director, on behalf of the organizing team we hope this simple small event will still gives you significant benefits. For those currently doing their postgrad studies, wishing you all the best in your postgrad journey, and do not hesitate to contact us here if you wish to participate as presenters in our future events. Thank you again and enjoy!

Nor Fazila Abd Malek

Nor Fazila Abd Malek is a PhD student at the Faculty of Sport Science and Coaching, Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). She had involved as co author in 11 article publications and 1 main author on muscle activation, kinematic and kinetic analysis of resistance training exercise.

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